
Pediatric Rare Disease Clinical Trials and Treatment Network

Out of the 7,000 known rare diseases, only about 5% have specific treatments available. Patients and families often need to go to other countries and pay themselves for experimental treatments. RareKids-CAN wants to change this by supporting national and international clinical trials to make new discoveries and advance treatments for children, adolescents, young adults and their families here in Canada.


RareKids-CAN is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Genetics, as part of the Government of Canada's National Strategy for Drugs for Rare Diseases investment. We collaborate with patient/family partners, patient organizations, investigators, research networks, and industry partners to design, develop, set up, manage, and execute pediatric rare disease clinical trials in Canada. Our support is flexible and tailored to the specific needs of each organization or project, recognizing that different groups are at various stages of development.


To ensure that every child, adolescent, and young adult in Canada affected by rare diseases has access to effective and innovative treatments.


Establish a cross-jurisdictional platform that develops, manages, and executes cutting-edge clinical trials, providing treatment options and support for children, adolescents, young adults, and their families affected by rare diseases in Canada.

Affiliations and Collaborators

Thank you to our many affiliations and collaborators!