Sub-Platform Leads

Sub-Platform Leads

Clinical Trial Operations and Coordinating Hub

Lead: Breanne Stewart 

Design and Methods 

Lead: Dr. Martin Offringa 

Statistical Methods 

Co-Leads: Dr. Anna Heath and Dr. Chris Gravel 

Pharmacology, Pharmacogenomics and Translational Pharmacometrics

Lead: Dr. Tamorah Lewis 

Training and Mentorship

Co-Leads: Dr. Lauren Kelly and Dr. Nancy Butcher 

Knowledge Synthesis and Mobilization

Co-Leads: Dr. Terry Klassen and Dr. Lisa Knisley 

Integrated IT and Data Science

Co-Leads: Dr. Beth Potter, Dr. Elodie Portales-Casamar and Dr. Lawrence Richer 

Patient and Family Engagement 

Co-Leads: Dr. Andrea Cross, Sara Pot and Alicia Hilderley

Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Indigeneity (EDI+I)

Lead: Dr. Ashish Marwaha 

Sex and Gender

Lead: Dr. Meng-Chuan Lai 

Transition to Adulthood

Lead: Dr. Michelle Batthish 

Health Canada Relations and Advocacy

Lead: Dr. Charlotte Moore-Hepburn 

Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment, and Reimbursement

Co-Leads: Dr. Maryam Oskoui and Dr. Jeff Round 

Sustainability and Business Development 

Lead: Dr. Thierry Lacaze-Masmonteil